Microsoft took my idea of putting contextual advertising on CVs one giant leap further. Now ALL your documents will have ads on them. W00t!
"In what could be the first step toward the wide-scale distribution of ad-supported software, Microsoft this week said it intends to offer users software free of charge. "Given the fact that the market's booming, the media's booming--the opportunity to take ad-funded software live around the company is going to be a great experience," said Eric Hadley, MSN's senior director of advertising and marketing. "It's a very large commitment to advertising." Microsoft said Tuesday it intends to soon launch Office Live and Windows Live, and will make ad-supported software services available through both products. Starting with Live.com, which currently is in beta testing, MSN's advertising sales team will be selling advertising--keyword and contextual, display and rich media--on desktop-based properties."
-- MediaPost and all over the web today
Ain't gonna work, says a ZDNet blog.
And here's a preview of the new Hotmail (codenamed Kahuna):