This comes as an update to yesterday's overview of digital billboards. Magink develops what they call "the first ever maintenance-free autonomous system operating in remote locations lacking adequate infrastructure".
"Magink's technology enables to create affordable "paper like" lightweight low power indoor and outdoor displays, which can perfectly fit into numerous applications. Its underlying properties fundamentally change the economics of digital content display."
From NYTimes.com:
"By creating a paste made of tiny helix-shaped particles that can be minutely manipulated with electric charges to reflect light in highly specific ways, Magink can produce surfaces that look like paper but behave like electronic screens, rendering high-resolution, full-color images without ink - or, as Magink executives like to refer to the process, with digital ink."
Gyricon - producer of SmartPaper, which is "a reusable display material like paper, but is electronically writeable and erasable."
"How In-Store TVs Play to Shoppers" - a recent article on digital signage from Business Week.