List of Brands in Second Life

Inspired by KZero's map of brand presence in Second Life, I thought about compiling a more usable list with SL URLs and everything, but then I found a fairly complete one over at SL Business Communicators wiki. Instead, I flew around the world and took a few snapshots of islands I hadn't seen before.

The Mercedes-Benz island that opened in February is very impressive. It looks and feels like a real car dealership, it sells virtual cars (L$ 1,500 a pop), and gives away racing suits. It was also one of the rare branded islands full of people. SL URL, official blog, trailer, mixed tape, press release. February 2007.

Microsoft is apparently working on an island of its own but the access is restricted. SL URL, Blog post from 2006 on Clickable Culture.

Another recently opened island, by SL URL, blog post on 3pointd, press release. February 2007.

A Sony-Ericsson pavilion in Second Life that opened in time for CeBIT. Free virtual replicas of the new phone models on display. SL URL, trailer on YouTube. March 2007.

The AMD set up an island for its developers. SL URL, a post on AMD developers site, coverage in The Inquirer. February 2007.

I don't know much about BMW's island besides that it's been quietly opened some time in December 2006. SL URL, interview with BMW's head of brand relations, review on SL Herald,

The sprawling virtual campus of Cisco Systems that apparently is used for training and tech support. SL URL, Cisco's blog post, coverage in The Street.

Leo Burnett's tree finally bloomed. The initial announcement came out last September or October, but the build has been completed very recently and is easily one of the most imaginative brand landmarks in SL. SL URL, extensive review in SL Herald by Prokofy Neva.

There are few companies whose islands are either not launched yet or closed. Aloft is rebuilding its hotel, Philips (press release), Autodesk, and Bain & Company are restricted-access, Intel is empty.
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