Blogorama: CAVI Digital Experience

Lately, I've seen many bloggers on my RSS feed posting lists of daily bookmarks instead of more detailed posts. I understand why -- no time, most likely -- but what happens is that as more people take this shortcut, the RSS reader looks increasingly like this:

Many of the linked stories are not terribly time-sensitive, so I'd wait till I get several on a particular subject over a week or so and then put them out in themed groups. Another way is to do a deep dive and fish out several interesting stories from a single site. Which brings me to the excellent Digital Experience by the Centre for Advanced Visualization and Interaction (CAVI) at Aarhus University.

"CabBoots is a pedestrian navigation system built into a pair of shoes. CabBoots mimics the principles of walking on a path." (full story)

"The Guitar Heronoid is a human android capable of playing the Guitar Hero game for the PlayStation 2." (full story)

The Singing Sock Puppets "are equipped with flex sensors, and thus opening and closing the mouth of the sock makes the puppet sing up and down a scale." (full story)
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