It's time for the ad agencies to start hiring expensive MBAs to counter the push of management consultants onto the ad turf. AdAge reports: "Accenture. IBM. McKinsey. These consulting giants are casting a lengthening shadow on Mad. Ave., a thoroughfare long avoided by these left-brain-dominated organizations. The day ad execs have long feared -- when management consultancies' bean-counting, process-wielding barbarians will storm the marketing world's gates -- may well be nigh, as each of these titans is finding its own way to make money in the ad business." Since all of this year's MBAs are already taken -- by Accenture, IBM and McKinsey -- you can convincingly fake it yourself by picking up some of the jargon with this handy corporate bullshit generator before walking into that meeting.
(While on the subject, check out the dot-com era web-economy bullshit generator and the brand new web 2.0 bullshit generator.)