New Project: Study Of In-Game Advertising

I've been spending a lot of time in Second Life (perhaps more than absolutely necessary), collecting stuff for my upcoming master's thesis on how advertising is being incorporated into computer games and what can be done in the future. I found that blogs are a convenient tool for organizing notes, and so all my findings go into this new separate stream of posts. I'm updating it with all sorts of raw info that I pick up as I read and poke around, so it's not terribly chronological, but I hope you'll find something new if in-game ads is what turns you on. Most of the recent posts showcase my ad loot from Second Life (like the pic above) since that's where I am now, but the scope is more broad.

This is a work in progress and I will be adding bibliography and a link list, and will also greatly appreciate and appropriately credit any tips that can be sent to vedrashko at or tagged with "gamethesis" on If you are a Second Life resident, I would be happy to exchange cards or chill out over a bottle of virtual Corona; IM Ariel Spoonhammer.
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