AdAge: "Ford Motor Co. spent as much as $2.5 million to promote its Ford Hybrid on the Super Bowl, using Kermit the Frog to emphasize the environmental friendliness of its new car. But General Motors Corp. is benefiting from the ad online. That's because GM was a smarter search marketer than Ford. If a Super Bowl viewer come Monday morning, charmed by Kermit and interested in the Ford Hybrid, typed "Kermit" into Google, the first Web page that came up in the paid search results section was GM's. The link read, “Live Green, Go Yellow.” Ford’s sponsored link was second. But for the busy shopper looking for an environmentally safe vehicle and who may remember Kermit, but not the Hybrid, the second listing may be too far down."
MediaWeek: "Since Super Bowl ads are often engineered to produce buzz, the Web is the natural place for excited viewers to turn, and search engines are where many start their pursuit. According to Reprise Media, a lead search marketing specialty agency, the brands that used search advertising most effectively this past Super Bowl Sunday included GoDaddy.com, CareerBuilder, the films MI:3, Shaggy Dog, and Cars The Movie as well as Burger King and Cadillac."