Last month, the video blog Rocketboom that claims to be viewed by 130,000 people eBayed out the first batch of advertising time - five consecutive post-roll spots - for $40,000 to TRM.com (news). On Monday, the first installment hit the screen. Rocketboom retained creative control over the ad and holds a creative commons license for the ad content. Here's what We Are The Media has to say about the minute-long commercial:
"Rocketboom has created a new, spellbinding advertising format. [...] Because they are not limited to television’s thirty seconds, they have added subtlety and intruigue and a great narrative story to the advertisements that will make Rocketboom subscribers sit on the edge of their seats waiting for the next days advertisement."
You can view the video-cast with the ad here. Also note that Rocketboom is now offered through TiVo.