This windmill farm in the recently released SimCity Societies was brought to you by BP. Other energy sources in the game are coal and nuclear plants, but those are unbranded, and I haven't seen any other kinds of branded assets in the game either. I haven't unlocked all the building yet, and apparently there are other clean BP-branded power generators and a BP truck. You can remove the BP logos by isntalling this fan-made update.
There's a microsite explaining BP's involvement with EA and its game:
"The EA/BP collaboration is a result of the organizations’ complementary interests. During the development of SimCity’s next iteration, EA looked for a way to raise awareness about low-carbon power choices. As one of the first major energy companies to publicly acknowledge the need to reduce carbon emissions, BP has constantly sought ways to further acceptance of alternative energies."
And there's a rumor -- although no screenshot -- that the Sims 2 franchise is getting another branded stuff pack, this time from Ikea (the first one was from the apparel retailer H&M, still available on Amazon). Preorders taken on this Dutch (?) site.
Player-made Ikea store for SimCity 4
Whoever is designing the Ikea pack doesn't even have to work too hard given how much fan-made Ikea assets are already out there, like this Markor set on a Sims mod exchange (compare to the actual furniture), or on Google's 3D warehouse.
Hi, I created an advertising in video games blog for an audience research class I am taking this semester. I wrote about BP in sim city society and wanted to give you a link to my blog: it's lstaffo1.blogspot.com. I think our topics go well and I will reference you'r blog in the future. Thanks!