Who Draws Portraits for Wall Street Journal?

Always wanted to know who was behind those portraits that contribute so much to the style of the Wall Street Journal. Just stumbled across the (an?) answer: Randy Glass Studio.


  1. I'd always wondered that...now I know. Definitely an interesting tid-bit that you have stumbled on :).

  2. Who is this person?


  3. Wow, they do some incredible work at Rand Glass Studio.

  4. I understand Glass used to illustrate only the movie review column, but WSJ doesn't use him any more.
    Here are two staff illustrators:
    Noli Novak http://www.nolinovak.com/
    Nancy Januzzi http://nancyjanuzzi.com/

  5. Hello. I happen to be Randy Glass's brother. (It's Randy, not Rand.) Nancy is basically right. Randy did the movie review portraits, plus any OTHER portraits of "recognizable" people. WSJ has basically dropped their portrait format as a cost-saving measure ... apparently Rubert Murdoch was going broke (LOL).

    In my humble opinion, Randy's the greatest commercial illustrator alive today. Also, a pretty decent brother.....

  6. Bill, thanks for dropping by. Sorry for the typo; now corrected.

  7. Randy Glass's work really stood out. It's a crying shame they let him go.

    Here are two more of the current staff hedcut illustrators:

    Laura Lou Levy

    Hai Knafo

  8. You may want to check out Heliogramme Graphic Arts. They may be the premier Line Conversion shop in North America. I Use to use the for Volkswagen Cars. Nothing reproduced better in newsprint.


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