-- "Most leading ad executives expect a significant portion of broadcast and cable TV ad dollars to shift to online video by 2010, with 33 percent predicting that switch will be between 10 and 19 percent." (American Advertising Federation)
-- "47% of people (down from 63% two years ago) buying a high-definition TV set in the past year say they did so looking forward to watching TV shows in HD, according to a study by Frank N. Magid Associates." (Yahoo)
-- Slate: "The battle between HD-DVD and Blue Ray is meaningless because the physical media for video are a dying breed in general."
-- Media Life: "Nielsen reports that 78 percent of all viewers in DVR households who watch recorded broadcast primetime shows play them back within two days and 84 percent in three days."
-- The Inquirer: "A Nielsen study, which monitored a panel of 400 iPod users in the US, found that only one per cent of iPod users and 2.2 per cent of video iPod users watched videos on their gadgets."