Washington Post writes:
"The little secret of digital video recorders is that while they allow you to amass a large collection of movies and TV shows quickly, you still have to find time to watch the material you recorded so effortlessly. For all their merits, these things can't add an extra two hours to each day to help you catch up on this backlog of video.
Meanwhile, millions of Americans spend hours a day bored out of their skulls in commercial airplanes, watching recycled TV content and stale movies and thumbing through in-flight magazines between naps."
The article goes on to discuss usability problems with the recently released TiVo ToGo. But it seems it makes another good point, right in the lead paragraph. It would make sense to record all these shows only if you could watch them in an alternative setting: in line, in a traffic jam, on a bus. We all need something like Zen Portable Media Player.