This was bound to happen. From today's New York Times: "Sony has given advertisers another venue to try: its PlayStation Portable, or PSP, a sleek hand-held game system that also plays movies and music. Heavy.com, a large Web host of short films and animation, has started making many of its clips available as free content specially formatted for the game system. The company hopes advertisers will support the free content by paying for quick commercials before or after the downloads, or by providing content in the form of branded entertainment." Uniliver has already signed up to promote Axe.
The big question the Times asks: is there enough audience for the mobile content?
More on PSP in last two months:
AtomFilms To Provide Content for PSP (reg)
ABC spreads news to new Sony portable
Variance Press releases Comics for the Sony PSP
Web Browsing on Your PSP
TiVoToGo on your PSP
Sony's PSP: What Marvelous Things It Can Do
20 Future Feature Requests for Sony PSP
Comcast CEO: PSP is the new DVR
HOW-TO: Get RSS feeds on your PSP
PSP hacks roundup