Turn Your House Into A Linkbait

A mobile ad network is offering to pay your mortgage for up to a year if you let them turn your house into a billboard for their services. Probably an imaginative and successful linkbait (including a CNN story) more than an actual project, considering the $100,000 budget and all the codes they might have to deal with.  The company is in the process of attracting additional funding.


  1. Love it! Sure many will want this done for year of mortgage being paid.

  2. wouldn't mind as long as my house is not a billboard for a porn site

  3. Thats Great. Been on barns for years why not my house.

  4. How can I put my house in this project so my morgate will be gone...:)

  5. This kind of thing is becoming HUGE in advertising. Businesses are trying to think outside of the box by using new media strategies. I'm a marketing major and in an advertising class I took last semester I also learned about businesses paying people to get their logo tatooed on their body, and doing chalk ad's on sidewalks and roads in big citys. Since people are able to skip through TV commercials and overlooking other advertisements businesses need to be more creative to grab the attention of their target market.

  6. what a great new design for a house thanks for sharing :D

  7. What a great idea, I wanna do it. hahaha


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