Does Subliminal Advertising Work?
Does Subliminal Advertising Work?
The Power to Do More
I Miss My Old Media
I Miss My Old Media
New York Agency To Host Competition for Marketing Technology Start-ups
New York Agency To Host Competition for Marketing Technology Start-ups
We Must Blaze A Trail To New Media [1946]
Going to ARF's Audience Measurement Conference
Going to ARF's Audience Measurement Conference
A Cheat Code in Halo 4 Box Art Puzzle
Google's Screenwise Project Listens To TV Habits
In Case of Emergency, Eat This Book
Pinnable Ads
Do People Hear Ads When They Are In a Coma?
Play Scrabble Over Twitter With TwitterScrabble
Google Still Indexes AdSense Ads As Content; Top Search Result Are PDFs
Four years ago, I noticed that Google was indexing AdSense ads as if it were content on the host pages. I thought I'd check to see if they were still doing it.  The reason I care is that,  for Google,  indexing ads it serves creates wrong incentives around ordering pages in search results. Here's a hypothetical scenario.  "Hey, look, here's a page with just the query you are looking for". The user clicks on the organic search result and then clicks on the AdSense ad. (My own experience with site analytics has shown that organic search visitors are the best AdSense clickers.)  Ka-Ching! Google is a dollar richer.
Putin, Viagra, and The Unfortunate Ad Placement of the Day
California Dogs Tune Into Their Own TV Channel
How To Hijack Facebook Likes, and Other Social Engineering
The Pinterest Giveaway Scam got pretty big today; at one point about 10% of Pinterest homepage pins were scam pins. In addition to the Starbucks offer, I counted at least three others -- for H&M, iPhone (of course), and GAP. What fascinates me about the scam is the authors' crafty use of recognizable social media symbols to create an illusion of authenticity, and -- more importantly -- an illusion of endorsement. In other words, exploitation of cognitive biases, also known as social engineering. Let's take a closer look at the "Starbucks" page (now available at but likely not for long). What do we see?
The Illustrated Anatomy of a Viral Pinterest Scam
Update: Part II - How The Scammers Hijacked Facebook Likes It started with a tweet from a friend: Never one to pass a scam, I dutifully clicked and landed on a page with this URL:
Instead Of Sales, They Seek Applause
Instead Of Sales, They Seek Applause
From a book about which David Ogilvy is quoted as saying: "Nobody, at any level, should be allowed to have anything to do with advertising until he has read this book seven times": "Advertising is salesmanship. Its principles are the principles of salesmanship. Successes and failures in both lines are due to like causes. Thus every advertising question should be answered by the salesman's standards. Let us emphasize that point. The only purpose of advertising is to make sales. It is profitable or unprofitable according to its actual sales. It is not for general effect. It is not to keep your name before the people. It is not primarily to aid your other salesmen. Treat it as a salesman. Force it to justify itself. Compare it with other salesmen. Figure its cost and result. Accept no excuses which good salesmen do not make. Then you will not go far wrong. The difference is only in degree. Advertising is multiplied salesmanship. It may appeal to thousands while the salesman talks to one. It involves a corresponding cost. Some people spend $10 per word on an average advertisement. Therefore every ad should be a super-salesman.
Why Facebook Will Do Search And Why Google Needs Social
Mark Zuckerberg posted a picture of himself in front of his computer, and an eagle-eyed blogger noticed that his version of Facebook sports a larger-than-usual search box. An unintended leak or not, Facebook competing in search is only a matter of time just as, in retrospect, it was inevitable that Google would integrate social elements deeper into its main product. This is why.
Convert Your RSS Into Email Newsletters With Ads
How To Remove Ads from YouTube Videos
Future: The Pirate Bay Loads Up on Physical Goods
In Memoriam: Kodak Scenic Spots
Spy Plane As Propaganda Tchotchke
Augmented Reality Glasses from Lumus
Memorable Metal Plaques From Impact Signs
Clotaire Rapaille Patents "Before And After" Ads
Future Schlock
A Nice Automated Letter from Netflix
Y Combinator Ad Innovation Conference: What Stuck
As part of Hill's Beacon initiative, I traveled to the Y Combinator's Ad Innovation Conference earlier this week to watch some 20 YC-funded start-ups present their technologies to a roomful of ad people. AdExchanger already has a nice write-up that explains what each company does, so that's not what I am going to do here. Instead, I will go through my notes trying to answer the question Paul Graham, the YC co-founder (pictured above with the glass), asked after the event: "So, what stuck?" Here's what stuck.
Journalism's Primary Duty Is To Its Readers, Not Advertisers
Journalism's Primary Duty Is To Its Readers, Not Advertisers
Will Daily Deals Turn Newspapers Around?
Movie Spectrograms
Kinect To Power TV Ads, Billboards
AdShip Adds Ads to eBay Purchases
YouTube Identifies Soundtracks, Creates Auto Playlists? Cashes In On Rapture
Casual Mobile Advergames - For Cats!
There Are No Insights, There Is No Research
There Are No Insights, There Is No Research
Hashtagart Turns Twitter Profile Pics Into Beautiful Mosaic Art
WSJ's Article About Spying on Internet Users Spies on Internet Users
Money Can't Buy You Love, But "Likes" Are $2 Apiece
This Is Your Brain On Apple
Sofa-Shaped Popcorn Bags Sell Sofas
Make Your Own Facebook Book
The iPad and the Return of Tummy TV
Branded Music Visualization Plug-In for Land Rover
As Seen on Google
11 Random Adlab Posts
11 Random Adlab Posts
The Human "Million Dollar Home Page"
Tattoo an Ecko Logo and Get 20% Off For Life
Get Free Gas; Ugly Cars Need Not Apply
Amazon Kindle With An Ad for Buick
The First Digital Copywriter
"The Future of Advertising" Speech by P&G's Ed Artzt, 1994
"The Future of Advertising" Speech by P&G's Ed Artzt, 1994
On May 12, 1994, the CEO of Procter & Gamble Edwin Artzt delivered a speech at the annual 4As conference on the future of advertising. It has since become a classic,  often referenced but rarely read in full.  The speech, written months before the first banner ad received its first impression, was prescient in many regards and inspiring throughout: "We run the risk of simply adapting to these changing technologies, but if we don't influence them -- and if we don't harness them -- loyalty to our brands could suffer in the long term.""The most important change, by far, is that people will become more program-driven and less channel-driven." "[Remote controls will] soon be replaced by program navigational services that will fundamentally change the dynamics of TV viewing."  "In virtually all of the media tests that have been launched around the country, consumers respond very positively to time-shifting." "History says that the advertising industry adapts brilliantly to new technology. But we can't sit there. We have to act.""So we've got to get involved in programming to make certain that advertisers have access to the mass audience and to the best properties."  The speech was made a year and a half before Nicholas Negroponte's seminal Being Digital.  The full text of the speech, via AdAge archives and an abandoned MediaCzar blog,  follows.
You Can't Run An Agency Without Digital
You Can't Run An Agency Without Digital
Super Mario Propaganda
20 Useful Tools
20 Useful Tools
Publishers Promote Books On Document Sharing Sites
Media: Cross-, Multi-, or Trans-?
Media: Cross-, Multi-, or Trans-?
Turn Your House Into A Linkbait
AdLab in Snapshots
Human Billboards in 1920
Mad Men Barbie
Game-Based Marketing: Book Review
Influence Is Not Star Juice
Influence Is Not Star Juice
Real? Hacker Hijacks Times Square Screens
Farmville For Dummies
Wireless Power Lightens Up Cereal Boxes
Bill Gates In a Wall Street Journal Ad (1984)
Cable-Cutting Experiment [Video]
Cable-Cutting Experiment [Video]
Tune Into #TVnext on Friday
Tune Into #TVnext on Friday
Electronic Blackboard Transmits Writing Over Phone Lines (1974)
AdLab Featured on Pulse
Two Alternative Verizon iPhone Commercials
Ten Years Of "This Will Be The Year Of"
Ten Years Of "This Will Be The Year Of"
Things That Should Have Happened by 2011, Edison's Version
Things That Should Have Happened by 2011, Edison's Version
Webmasters Share Impressions Of CAPTCHA Ad Programs
Webmasters Share Impressions Of CAPTCHA Ad Programs
Will Agencies Become Publishers?
Will Agencies Become Publishers?
Things That Should Have Happened By 2011
What Happened When I Said "iPad" on Twitter
Re: On Infographics and Chartoonery
Re: On Infographics and Chartoonery
CES Awesome: Angry Birds, Fingernail Printer, iPad Guitar and More
Amex Centurion Statue in Farmville
BMW Puts Its Logo On The Back of Eyelids
Photo Experiments With Kinect's Structured Light
Book Promos Help People Kill Time
Google in 133t Calls Its Ads Sp4m
Smarter Conversations
An Overwhelming Security Questions Form
Pocket Bargain Finder from 1999
The Once-Removed SEO
15 Stories From Fast Company About The Future of Advertising
Vending Machines With Face Recognition and Opinions
Armchair Photoethnography
Favorited Tweets
An Enthusiastic Review for Clarks Shoes